A few years back none of us would’ve known the term Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality. However, here we are quite well-acknowledged and well-learned about this software technology. We can observe that each year, something new is always present in the market and before we move to the next, we realize there is something more innovative already becoming the buzzword.
Since the release of Apple’s ARKit for the iOS platform and Google’s ARCore for the Android platform, the software app development for this technology went open-source. As a result, we started seeing the software application for AR/VR in our daily lives more. Today, AR/VR moved from simply gaming and entertainment to more educational purposes.
Do you know that the average student in the United States spends more time on technology then he or she does on books or their respective surroundings? Keeping this particular fact in mind, I have taken the audacity to research the vast application of AR/VR in our educational institutions.
Here are some ways how these technologies have changed the modern-day classroom for students incredulously.
Classrooms Can Now Turn Into Interactive Learning Experiences
Most modern-day educationists favor interactiveness as a powerful element to promote education. Several apps have emerged in the market which are allowing modern day teachers to incorporate more creative ways to educate students. One in every 5th teacher in modern-day elementary schools are observed planning their future lessons and activities leveraging the power of AR/VR.
For example, there are apps like Aug That which allow teachers to bring classrooms to life. With Aug That, teachers can bring 2D elements to life within classrooms to enhance the learning experience for students. Teachers can also create separate augmented reality curriculum and can connect parents through a streaming channel. Just in case, if a parent is interested to learn about thier teaching methods.
Improved Collaboration
One other reason why virtual reality technology is a great technological solution for classrooms is that it offers easy and enhanced collaboration. With virtual technology, students and teachers can interact with each other in a completely virtual environment. It makes the hesitations between the two completely dissolve.
Improved collaboration is a great source of motivation for students. It has significantly promoted knowledge construction within the minds of many individuals. Educationists who leverage the power of VR are capable to design and create a large number of collaborative activities. These activities greatly contribute to educating the students so they can effectively collaborate with each other.
Effective collaboration using Virtual Reality (VR) can ultimately result in enhancing the important factor of social interaction between struggling students.
Game-Based Learning Experience for Students
Do you know that virtual reality can incredibly change the way games can be utilized to sharpen up learning experience for different students?
One of the reasons why Game-Based learning is favored among most modern day teachers is because it is a great way to motivate students for education.
Virtual reality increases user-engagement as well. Speaking of AR/VR technology in classrooms, Jane Wilde, an instructor at Marlboro College in Vermont talks about virtual reality simulations. He talks about virtual reality games as a great motivation to create a fun and engaging environment within the classroom.
Here are his exact words:
“In my own experience game-based learning is motivating because it is fun,” she says. “The playing field is leveled – a player’s gender, weight, race don’t have to interfere with their acceptance by other players. You are judged by your actions.
A lot can be accomplished in a virtual environment that would not be possible in real life. Also, it is memorable – the visual and kinesthetic experiences in virtual worlds contribute to our ability to learn.”
Infrared Motion Tracking for Complete Immersions
Infrared Motion Tracking is fairly an interesting concept. Soon IR motion tracking can become accessible through a smartphone and that’s all that you need to get a completely immersive experience. Teachers can place a number of external sensors around the room and the student can wear a VR headset. In a 3D environment, the student can walk around the classroom and interact with different sensors activating different 3D characters and items.
Imagine yourself walking up to a sensor… how cool it will be when you can see around or underneath it? That’s how IR technology is going to work in the future.
Learn Different Languages using AR/VR Technology
Isn’t learning a new language is more like a distress call? You have to listen to your tutor and even if you’re not interested in talking to them, you are forced to do so. Well, this can incredibly change for the modern-day students. If you want to learn a new language, try to use the full immersion strategy.
Traveling to a new country and spending weeks and months to learn their language can become quite a difficult task. However, with VR, you can now trick the brain in believing that your interaction experiences are very much real. As a result, many new VR apps are being built to provide a similar experience.
The best example around here is none other but Unimersiv. This app can be bonded with Oculus Rift headset which becomes the medium to connect with people from around the world in a virtual world. It enables users to practice their language skills, play games and interact with other students just like them.
Virtual Reality Applications Can Work Wonders for Students with Autism
Do you ever wonder how special attention students in Victoria, Australia are being served using the Oculus Rift headset technology? Special Students studying in the Jackson School use Oculus Rift to spark their respective imaginations.
Imagine a classroom full of students who can view the inside of a Steam Turbine or an Airplane Engine or take a tour of the Egyptian Temple all just using the Oculus Rift. Students with Autism proved that with virtual reality, they had a more soothing galactic experience, they can explore planets, stars, and the overall Galaxy which helped them keep their moods and minds completely relaxed.