Adjusting to a towering workload at work can be a bit challenging. Especially, when you are laden with work and you are short on working resources. It can really get intimidating when you are running short on deadlines. You have to submit the tasks or else you end up losing potential business for the company.
It can even put your job on the line.
Besides, everything that you do comes with a two-forked condition; you have to deliver work on time and you can’t risk quality. Even the smallest error can have a devastating impact on your yearly performance.
We all want our performance to be top-notch at work. But, how should we do it with towering workload building pressure upon our weary shoulders? Here are some interesting ways how you can increase your mental capacity and handle more workload in a day.
Evolution is the New Black
There are two kinds of individuals; the one who is a constant learner, the other is an intellectual know-it-all. In accordance with my experience, being a know-it-all never works in a corporate setting.
Evolution is the new black. Being a know-it-all will not allow you to grow. Instead, it will just cap your capacity and your sheer determination to work hard. Pay attention to key points which can help you grow.
To evolve, you have to ignite a flame of learning inside you.
It is a great strategy if you want to increase your mental capacity. A thrill to learn can always do wonders in mindful ways for you.
Perform a Self-Development Check
Self-development, we all love that. It is the forward-thinking approach to learn more. Performing daily self-development checks on a regular basis can help you grow within your schedule.
Some organizations believe that a good way of performing self-development check is to maintain a journal. It will help you record every positive aspect of your personal development.
As you go throughout your working tenure, you can place checks on the self-development list. Learning your positive aspects will help you build awareness and also contribute to increasing your mental capacity.
Perform Meditation to Increase Mind Capacity
It is scientifically approved that people who perform mental meditation are better thinkers. Every morning, you can wake up and take a stroll to your nearest park. Sit back and relax, enjoy the nature.
Close your eyes and absorb the positive energy which surrounds you. Soothe your mind by completely cutting down the internal monologue. Give yourself a deserving break.
If you can’t do it alone, then you can always meditate with a group. One way or the other, meditation can help you achieve a higher level of consciousness. It can empower your state of mind and enhance your focus and attention. You reach a higher level of awareness which helps you grow psychologically.
Avoid Distraction As Much as Possible
I dictate this rule to almost everyone interested to expand their mental horizon. Distractions will never make you, but instead, they will always break you. However, it is easier said than done.
Instinctively, your brain has a thing called “trip-wires.” They work in such a way that when an impending danger is moving your way, your mind becomes responsive.
Hence, when something within your surrounding is either too loud or too bright, it can turn into a distraction. Not only that but if something moves within your viewpoint, it will capture your attention.
While working, believe me… all of us feel like we have the ADHD disorder.
Apparently, those who keep their focuses on priority issues often end up increasing their mental capacity.
Keep Repeating Learned Information Constantly
When you were a kid, how did you memorize everything? You had to go through it over and over again to store it in your memory.
It is a common human trait that repetition of a certain task will eventually help you master it. You can easily recall information when you need to within your head. You can solve
The more you repeat information to yourself the better your recall of the information will be. This could entail repeating information in your head and can also entail repeating radio traffic. As you repeat it back you have to cull it out of memory, say it, listen to it and then send it back into to memory for processing again. This can help you remember and recall better.
Choose Your Company Wisely
You mimic the personality of the people that surround you. If you hang out with good people, you turn out to be a good person. If you hang out with the lazy ones, you end up becoming a lazy person.
It is wise to choose your company wisely.
When you are planning to increase your mental capacity, then try to surround yourself with people who are doing the same. Another advantage of hanging out with such people is that you get competition.
When you hang out with people who are a bit challenging in your situation, you eventually start evolving.
And evolution is the key to mental capacity growth as discussed above.
Start Seeing Things Differently
There is no one way of looking at things.
When you look at things from different perspectives, it helps you find alternative solutions to a problem.
Imagine you are stuck in a rut of constant workload. It makes you wonder how you can overcome that towering tasks getting assembled in your task management software.
Change your perspective of handling them. Become a multi-tasking maniac and start getting things done. When your mind gets attuned to multi-tasking principles, it gets easier for you to nail the job.
Seek methods that are out of the box and celebrate the fact that you are different. You can handle more.
It will help you grow your mental capacity altogether.
Avoid Going Under Less Workload
We have often heard people going under stress because of increasing workload. But, seldom do we hear someone falling under stress just because of less workload.
Wait! Don’t tell me you haven’t heard that before? Yes, it has actually happened.
Employees working at Cubix International in Washington DC started a protest against their company’s own sales board when they realized that they have very less workload. To some it may be a blessing, but for those who are hardbound workaholics, going under less workload becomes more of treason.
Concluding Thoughts
Humans are certainly not machines. Neither are we capable to cope up with tremendous amount of work, nor are we good at doing little of what we can do. The essence of success truly comes when our performance is optimal enough to benefits us in the best possible way. We all love to express ourselves and that’s what makes us overperform in our daily routines. It helps us sharpen our cognitive abilities.
Increasing our mental capacity allows us to absorb more from our surrounding. It helps us to get on the same page as other successful employees are. It helps us to carve our path the way forward.