The first rule of time travel is not to anything forms the past. Because if you do, it will change something in your present. The second rule is not to draw attention to yourself. Got it?
Now, let’s begin.
If you search proof of time travel on Google, you’ll get 652,000,000 results. This reveals that people are curious about traveling to the future and knowing what the future holds for them.
One fine evening, at New York times square a man, appeared from thin air, dressed in Victorian garb. Panicked and disorientated this man seemed to be confused and got hit by a car.
On examining the pockets Police came to know that the name if the person was Rudolph Fentz. His pockets contained $70 in old banknotes, a letter dated to June 1876. When NYPD tried to search their database for clues regarding his person, nothing came in the results.
The Investigators didn’t quit. They were able to track the elderly widow of Rudolph Fentz Junior. She revealed that her father-in-law vanished in 1876 at the age of 29 while he went for an evening walk. Moreover, now he appeared on the street of New York from nowhere.
If this doesn’t give proof of time what will?
Time Travel is Theoretically Possible
The fact that you’ve seen people traveling through time in Star Track, Doctor Who, back to the Future, and even The Flash, some of the scientists believe that time going may be fatal to any human who attempts to undertake it.
If humans accelerate to more than a certain speed, they might die.
What is the Time?
While most people believe that time is constant, Albert Einstein assumes that time is just an illusion – a relative thing. Time is different for various observers. This means that time may vary for something walking, and someone who is traveling on an airplane, he will find time at a different rate.
The theory of relativity says that time slows down or gain speed depending upon the thing that is approaching it. When moving at a speed of light, a person in a spaceship might age slowly than his twin brother on earth. Einstein believed that gravity could bend time.
Imagine a four-dimensional fabric. Let’s call that space-time. When anyone sits on that fabric, it will bend the fabric. The bending will cause the objects to move in a curved path. Moreover, that curvature in space is known to us like gravity.
According to GPS satellite technology, the effects of gravity are observed with an increased speed above earth relative to the observers on the ground.
The effect known as time dilation gives an impression that astronauts are time travelers as they return to earth slightly younger than their twin identical at home.
Is Time Traveling Possible?
William A. Hiscock, a professor of physics at Montana State University divided the answer into two parts:
To the question, ‘Is it possible to travel through time?’
Hiscock thinks that yes. Time traveling is possible within a short period. Now, this brings us to another question. If we can travel into time, can we move past or the future? To that professor, Hiscock thinks that it is a big maybe
“The mechanism for going into the distant future is to use the time-dilation effect of Special Relativity, which states that a moving clock appears to tick more slowly the closer it approaches the speed of light. This effect, which has been overwhelmingly supported by experimental tests, applies to all types of clocks, including biological aging.
What is about the Wormhole?
General relativity also provides scenarios that could allow travelers to go back in time, according to NASA. The equations, however, might be challenging to achieve physically.
One possibility could be to go faster than light, which travels at 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometers per second) in a vacuum. Einstein’s equations, though, show that an object at the speed of light would have both infinite mass and a length of 0. This appears to be physically impossible, although some scientists have extended his equations and said it might be done.
A linked possibility, NASA stated, would be to create “wormholes” between points in space-time. While Einstein’s equations provide for them, they would collapse very quickly and would only be suitable for microscopic particles. Also, scientists haven’t observed these wormholes yet. Also, the technology needed to create a wormhole is far beyond anything we have today.
To summarize: It is very likely that the laws of physics rule out macroscopic time machines, but possible that spacetime is filled with microscopic time loops. Sure, for now, it might seem impossible, but with the evidence and hopes of scientists, there is a possibility that you’ll be able to travel through time.